Departure Board for
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Dynamic Departure Board

Click any box above to display upcoming scheduled departures.

Sort departures by Distance, Time or Route number by clicking the three buttons at bottom right of this screen. Scroll left on any row of departure times to see later departures.

Departure timers will count down to scheduled departure, and your distance from the exact departure point will update and direction pointer will rotate as you move.

Click any deprture time to see timetable for all stops that trip travels to after here.

Click the star next to any stop name to see a departure board from that location or town. Return to your current location by clicking the cross near top right of this screen.

Click to see the departure board right now for any of the locations randomly selected from our database of over 200,000 public transport served locations across Australia.
Birkdale Rd at Birkdale Fair
Harper Av At Dunn Av
Stop 35 Main Rd - West side
Stop 43 Salisbury Hwy - West side
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