Map of Canberra region showing trains, light rail and major bus routes.
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A three times daily train runs from Canberra station in Kingston to Sydney stopping at Queanbeyan, Goulburn and other towns along the way.
There is no direct train between Canberra and Melbourne, but there is a daily co-ordinated bus connection to Yass Junction which lets you board the Sydney to Melbourne train there. VLine also run buses from Canberra to Wodonga and from Canberra to Bairnsdale where they connect with VLine trains to and from Melbourne.
NSW Trainlink trains from Canberra to Sydney, and from Yass Junction to Melbourne and all connecting VLine buses are reserved seat services and you must buy a ticket and book in advance. There are connecting local Canberra buses between Civic and Canberra railway station.
Canberra suburbs are served by an extensive network of local buses that run from major bus interchanges, and by a new Light Rail line that runs north along Northbourne Avenue from Civic to Gungahlin.
Use your MyWay card to travel on any Transport Canberra buses and on the light rail.
Commuter buses also run from Canberra to Yass, Queanbeyan and Bungendore. MyWay cards cannot be used on buses that cross the State border into NSW.