Marion Bay and Corny Point to Minlaton | 2 Bus timetable | Yorke Peninsula Coaches
Marion Bay and Corny Point to Minlaton
2Bus timetable: Yorke Peninsula Coaches
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Times listed here are a snapshot of Yorke Peninsula Coaches publicly published times. Whilst we check occasionally for updates and schedules are fairly stable, it's possible that a schedule change has been made since last we last checked so we strongly recommend that before travelling you check the precise times and stopping locations with Yorke Peninsula Coaches directly at
[Updated Sun 08-Jan-2023 ]
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Marion Bay
Corny Point
The Pines
Port Turton
Version 7.0.1 (October 2024) [ Route Id: 505 ] [ GTFS: ferries ] [ Anch1: 2731 ] [ Anch2: 0 ] [ AnchMin: 2 ] [ Filt: 0 ] [ FiltMin: 0 ] [CurrTim: 15/08:37:49 ]

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